【同义词辨析】 2018-08-10 总和sum-quantity

sum: applies to the result of addition of numbers or particulars: thought of his car as more than the ~ of its parts.   (particular具体细节=detail,表示小和单个数量,强调具体,如a verbal attack that included few particulars没有具体细节的语言攻击)

amount: implies the result of combining sums, or weights or measures into a whole: the ~ of cotton raised last year.

number: suggests a countable aggregate of persons or things: a large ~ of apples.

aggregate: implies a counting or considering together of all the distinct individuals or particulars of a group or a collection: errors that are individually insignificant but in their ~ destroy confidence.

total: suggests the completeness or inclusiveness of the result and may stress magnitude in the result: counted a ~ of 328 paying customers. (inclusive包含所有的the fully inclusive fare for the trip is RMB 52这次旅行的全部费用是52元) (complete完全,即没有缺失,a complete success完全成功)

whole: close to total, emphasizes unity in what is summed up: wanted the individual elements to create a cohesive ~. (cohesive 1统一的,2凝聚的: 指紧密联系的整体,如例句表示统一,又如they had no group cohesiveness他们没有团队凝聚力,表示凝聚力,注意不要错写成cohensive

quantity: applies to things measured in bulk, even though they can be counted: a ~ of carrots; or to anything that is measurable in extent, duration, volume, magnitude, intensity, or value: the ~ of work performed.

sum和: 表示求和的结果,把数字具体细节相加,amount总量: 对数字重量等量度总计(combining...into a whole)即sum的sum,number数目: 表示该集合可计数(参见下词集合aggregate),aggregate集合: 将所有成员细节作为一个整体计算考虑(注意together表示一个整体),total总共: 表示完全包含所有,whole整体: 强调紧密的结合(unity),quantity数量: 指按重量体积数量计算(bulk指数量多重量重体积大等,如bulk of weight很重),或者任何范围时间体积幅度强度价值等可测量属性

记忆方法:1)首字母SAN AT WQ: 圣人在韦曲<==人数韦曲位于西安南郊,坐落有柳青广场常宁宫等)   San是saint缩写,如旧金山san francisco,St.也是saint缩写。如圣彼得堡st petersburg

        2)总和的意思是一个群组的全部mean all that is present in a group or a mass.